I've sort of been looking forward to going since I heard about it a year or so ago. In a nutshell it's all of my favorite things- a book store filled with all things fashion, photography, music, lifestyle and pop culture. Thank you Marc, for filling a void I didn't know was there.
It was as wonderful as I'd imagined it to be. Seriously, I could spend hours in there - and it's the size of a shoebox.
Anywho - point being, I felt the need for a souvenir. I couldn't lug a coffee table book home in my suitcase. (Let's be real, that would take up too much space for the other shopping I was doing, and this was just the first stop.)
So I bought myself this:

Completely, unnecessary. Total impulse buy. Totally only $7. I'll be honest, I thought I'd only wear it every once and awhile, but it was a cute little something from Bookmarc, so I got it.
Flash forward to present, two months later. I can't take the thing off, AND I'm wishing I'd bought them for all of my friends. (and one day I will friends! Just wait!)
Maybe this is ridiculous, but whatever... I think I unintentionally bought myself a little charm that's come to be a great reminder of my trip, but also a little piece of hope for all my goals large and small this year. I'm just hoping my wishbone can be my lucky charm - for good luck, adventures, and new ventures this year.
I'm not sure you can pick your own lucky charm-- But I'm definitely going to try.
Of course you can pick your own lucky charm! You make your own destiny and all that! I wish you'd bought them for all your friends, too (heheh), but then it wouldn't be as special for you. :)